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Choosing the Right Colour Scheme for Your Home

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Choosing the Right Colour Scheme for Your Home

The task of breathing new life into a home is not always as straightforward as it may initially seem. Especially so for the do-it-yourself crowd, achieving a professional look requires a fundamental knowledge of - and eye for - how different colours work together. Although this is largely a matter of personal taste, there is still a basic science behind colour schemes that will work in most cases. Thus, anybody who wants to freshen up their interior décor this year will need to learn a little colour theory at https://www.andalastourism.com site if they want to achieve the desired look and feel without an undue amount of trial and error.

The Colour Wheel

In order to create an entirely original décor, it is essential that the decorator can visually match colour samples. The most effective way of doing this is to use a palette and add blobs of red, yellow and blue (the primary colours) paint to it in addition to secondary colours of green, orange and purple. Daubs of white and black are also very useful for providing balance and contrast.

The next stage is to get mixing and matching, using sheets of paper initially to see how certain colours work together before moving onto a spare patch of wall. The various ways in which colours match with others can produce entirely different effects for the home. For instance, if the intention is to create a focal point on a wall, this can be achieved by painting it black and then adding a deep red colour in its centre. The red will stand out brilliantly whilst the background back will appear deeper and richer.

Finally, if the colour schemes appear too bold or striking, there is always magnolia!

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